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Smoke and Mirrors - Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition (DSEE)
OpenLDAP 2.3 vs 2.4 Admin Guide PDF

OpenLDAP 2.4 Admin Guide (not yet finished): 206 pages
80 new pages!
OpenLDAP Weekly News Issue 1

This will be released every Sunday (or thereabouts), covering the latest goings on in and around the OpenLDAP community.
OpenLDAP 2.3.39 released
OpenLDAP 2.4.6 tagged and soon to be released; the first stable release of the 2.4.x branch
OpenLDAP 2.4 Highlights: Features of the Upcoming Release
OpenLDAP being discussed at Ubuntu Developer Summit for version 8.04
OpenLDAP at Usenix LISA conference
Continue reading "OpenLDAP Weekly News Issue 1"
Estimated cost to develop OpenLDAP: $9,621,793

Quite an interesting output running sloccount over OpenLDAP HEAD:
Continue reading "Estimated cost to develop OpenLDAP: $9,621,793"OpenLDAP 2.4 Stable and 2.3.39 out soon

dijit.Tree and <script type=”dojo/method”>

Always slapcat before upgrading OpenLDAP

This poor chap didn't, but he was lucky as he still had access to his original setup:
Upgrading my OpenLDAP BDB Backend
Some users don't and that will be very hard when trying to migrate from Openldap 1.2.x (why he's on that ancient version, I don't know

Users always seem to get hit by this, but it is documented:
How do I backup my directory?
#ldap on Freenode and helping others

Don't use Red Hat OpenLDAP RPMs
and actually reading the OpenLDAP docs for once:
Openldap with ppolicy
In the OpenLDAP world, if you listen to the community, Suretec and Symas, you can't go too far wrong

Happy Birthday Suretec
An OpenLDAP Cookbook?
OpenLDAP with MirrorMode, the Chain Overlay and Backup Procedures

These are what Suretec and Symas recommend for their clients and OpenLDAP users in general.
Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS 2007) Review

Another "tightly" integrated solution, which is apparently a monster to install.
Who said Asterisk® was hard to install.