Right now, the open-source directory server options boil down to Red Hat/Fedora Directory Server, and OpenLDAP, neither of which are positioned to challenge Active Directory.
Depends on what the challenge is, I don't see any....
Then there's OpenLDAP, which some question on scalability grounds, and most coil away from for its rough edges and its lack of anything approaching AD[?]-like integration with Linux distributions.
Yes, maybe using outdated vendor shipped versions, not when using the source or enterprise versions.
If anyone does need reference sites of big OpenLDAP deployments, do please contactSuretec.
Welcome to the fourth issue of OpenLDAP Weekly News (OWN), the unofficial weekly newsletter for the OpenLDAP community.
This will be released every Sunday (or thereabouts), covering the latest goings on in and around the OpenLDAP community.
- More uptake on OpenLDAP 2.4
- Is OpenLDAP really that compliant?
- Update on Build Farm progress
- OpenLDAP Documentation updates
- How fast can it go!
- OpenLDAP Development
- Selected user issues and solutions discussed Continue reading "OpenLDAP Weekly News Issue 4"
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