Likewise Open is an open source, community project sponsored by Likewise Software to integrate Linux, Unix, and Mac in Microsoft Active Directory and authenticate users with their domain credentials. Likewise Open is licensed under the open source licensing so you can download it for free. Or, if you would like to become involved with the project, join one of the community mailing lists and discuss Likewise Open with other users and developers.
Suretec use Likewise Open for some of its cusomters and it's very good if you need to go down that route....
The term "release", as used on the download web page ( refers to the lastest version of the OpenLDAP Software available for "general use".
The term "stable" refers to the last "general use" release that has demonstrated itself as being reliable in real world environments.
Each new version which is published is referred to as the "release" version until a subsequent version is published. Likewise, "stable" always refers to the release which is considered the most reliable.
Until today, an OpenLDAP 2.3 version was always marked as stable. For more information see the major changes and releases notes.
In reality the OpenLDAP distribution is moving forward, while the Mozilla distribution has stagnated.
I wonder what other LDAP[?] projects are in the same state as the Mozilla one?
Almost all other known Linux FOSS based utilities using LDAP,
use OpenLDAP libraries by default. The current maintainers
of the Mozilla LDAP code base are currently expressing no
interest in continuing to enhance Mozilla libldap beyond
existing minimal maintenance efforts. In reality the OpenLDAP
distribution is moving forward, while the Mozilla distribution
has stagnated.
Today, Solaris/OpenSolaris is the only major distribution that
does not deliver the OpenLDAP libldap C APIs. This project
corrects this issue.
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