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OpenLDAP proves itself again

OpenLDAPOpen Source Something to keep in mind - in a competition, somebody wins, and someone else loses. With cooperation, everybody wins.

Open source is no magic bullet in itself. To steal a thought from Irving Kristol (”It’s not enough to be Hungarian, you must have talent too.”), it’s not enough to be open source. You still have to work smart. Our collaboration with the Samba and Mozilla teams proves that cooperation trumps competition. Our relentless dedication to the technology speaks for itself - most of our competitors in the directory space, including Novell, IBM, and now Sun, are using the OpenLDAP libraries in their products.

OpenLDAP Weekly News come back?

OpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec Dear All,

The year has been very busy, that's why the OpenLDAP newsletter was put on hold. Would you like to see it back in the new year, as well as other howtos and tutorials on OpenLDAP?



OpenLDAP 2.4.12 Released

OpenLDAPOpen Source OpenLDAP 2.4.12 Release (2008/10/12)
Fixed libldap ldap_utf8_strchar arguments (ITS#5720)
Fixed libldap TLS_CRLFILE (ITS#5677)
Fixed liblutil executables on Windows (ITS#5604)
Fixed liblutil microsecond overflows on Windows (ITS#5668)
Fixed librewrite memory handling (ITS#5691)
Fixed slapd aci performance (ITS#5636)
Fixed slapd aci's with sets (ITS#5627)
Fixed slapd attribute leak (ITS#5683)
Fixed slapd config backend with index greater than sibs (ITS#5684)
Fixed slapd custom attribute inheritance (ITS#5642)
Fixed slapd dynacl mask handling (ITS#5637)
Fixed slapd firstComponentMatch normalization (ITS#5634)
Added slapd caseIgnoreListMatch (ITS#5608)
Fixed slapd connection events enabled twice (ITS#5725)
Fixed slapd memory handling (ITS#5691)
Fixed slapd objectClass canonicalization (ITS#5681)
Fixed slapd objectClass termination (ITS#5682)
Fixed slapd overlay control registration (ITS#5649)
Fixed slapd runqueue checking (ITS#5726)
Fixed slapd spurious text output (ITS#5688)
Fixed slapd socket closing on Windows (ITS#5606)
Fixed slapd sortvals comparison (ITS#5578)
Added slapd substitute syntax support (ITS#5663)
Fixed slapd syncrepl contextCSN[?] detection (ITS#5675)
Fixed slapd syncrepl error logging (ITS#5618)
Fixed slapd syncrepl runqueue interval (ITS#5719)
Fixed slapd-bdb entry return if attr not present (ITS#5650)
Fixed slapd-bdb olcDbMode syntax (ITS#5713)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb release search entries earlier (ITS#5728,ITS#5730)
Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb subtree search with empty suffix (ITS#5729)
Fixed slapd-dnssrv memory handling (ITS#5691)
Fixed slapd-ldap[?],slapd-meta invalid filter behavior (ITS#5614)
Fixed slapd-meta memory handling (ITS#5691)
Fixed slapd-meta objectClass filtering (ITS#5647)
Fixed slapd-meta quarantine behavior (ITS#5592)
Added slapd-ndb experimental backend
Fixed slapd-relay initialization (ITS#5643)
Fixed slapd-sql freeing of connection (ITS#5607)
Fixed slapd-sql fault on NULL fields (ITS#5653)
Fixed slapo-accesslog entryCSN generation on purge (ITS#5694)
Fixed slapo-constraint string termination (ITS#5609)
Fixed slapo-dynlist expansion with mapped attributes (ITS#5717)
Fixed slapo-memberof internal operations DN (ITS#5622)
Fixed slapo-pcache attrset crash (ITS#5665)
Fixed slapo-pcache caching with invalid schema (ITS#5680)
Fixed slapo-ppolicy control return on password modify exop (ITS#5711)
Fixed slapo-rwm callback cleanup (ITS#5601,ITS#5687)
Fixed slapo-rwm attr mapping and merging (ITS#5624)
Fixed slapo-rwm objectClass filtering (ITS#5647)
Fixed slapo-translucent back-config support (ITS#5689)
Fixed slapo-translucent filter usage on merged entries (ITS#5679)
Fixed slapo-unique filter validation (ITS#5581)
Fixed slapo-unique suffix testing (ITS#5641)
Build Environment
Fixed ODBC library detection (ITS#5602)
Added BDB 4.7 support (ITS#5523)
Added slapo-collect overlay with enhancements(ITS#5659)
Added slapd-ldap(5), slapd-meta(5) noundeffilter (ITS#5614)
Fixed slapd-ldap(5), slapd-meta(5), slapo-pcache(5) schema requirements (ITS#5680)
Added slapo-collect(5) man page (ITS#5706)
Added slapo-pcache(5) proxycheckcacheability option (ITS#5680)
Added slapo-retcode(5) retcode.conf location (ITS#5633)
admin24 dontusecopy control update (ITS#5718)
admin24 guide updates (ITS#5616)
admin24 octetString fix (ITS#5670)

Asterisk 1.6.0 is the first official release of Asterisk 1.6

AsteriskLinuxOpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec The first official release is out, and you can see lots of new features . Unfortunately there are still a few Realtime LDAP[?] driver bugs, but it's getting there.

It's well worth having a play with Asterisk 1.6.0 though.


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