Suretec allocated a Communications Provider Identity ("CUPID") code by Ofcom

Our Communications Provider Identity ("CUPID") code application has been processed by Ofcom and we just received our number of 291.
The start of many good things to come with our own VoIP provider SureVoIP (brand and website being worked on now). We're also listed as an ITSP at ITSPA.
OpenLDAP 2.4.22 released

OpenLDAP 2.4.22 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Significant contributors to this release include:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Hallvard Furuseth (University of Oslo)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (Yahoo! Inc)
Ralf Haferkamp (SUSE Linux)
Pierangelo Masarati (Politecnico di Milano)
Rein Tollevik (Basefarm AS)
OpenLDAP 2.4.22 Release (2010/04/24)
Added slapd SLAP_SCHEMA_EXPOSE flag for hidden schema elements (ITS#6435)
Added slapd tools selective iterations (ITS#6442)
Added slapd syncrepl TCP keepalive (ITS#6389)
Added slapo-ldap[?] idassert-passthru (ITS#6456)
Added slapo-pbind
Fixed libldap gmtime re-entrancy (ITS#6262)
Fixed libldap gssapi off by one error (ITS#6223)
Fixed libldap GnuTLS serial length (ITS#6460)
Fixed libldap MozNSS context and PEM support (ITS#6432)
Fixed libldap referral on bind behavior(ITS#6510)
Fixed slapd acl non-entry internal searches (ITS#6481)
Fixed slapd acl attrval style initialization (ITS#6520)
Fixed slapd certificateListValidate (ITS#6466)
Fixed slapd empty URI parsing (ITS#6465)
Fixed slapd glued misplaced entries (ITS#6506)
Fixed slapd glued paged cookies (ITS#6507)
Fixed slapd glued paged results (ITS#6504)
Fixed slapd gmtime re-entrancy (ITS#6262)
Fixed slapd to ignore controls with unrecognized flags (ITS#6480)
Fixed slapd entry ownership (ITS#5340)
Fixed slapd sasl auxprop_lookup (ITS#6441)
Fixed slapd sasl auxprop ssf (ITS#5195)
Fixed slapd syncrepl for attributes with no matching rule (ITS#6458)
Fixed slapd syncrepl for unknown attrs and delta-sync (ITS#6473)
Fixed slapd syncrep loop with moddn (ITS#6472)
Fixed slapo-accesslog to not replicate internal purges (ITS#6519)
Fixed slapd-bdb contextCSN[?] updates from updatedn (ITS#6469)
Fixed slapd-bdb lockobj zeroing (ITS#6501)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta control criticality (ITS#6523)
Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with ordered values (ITS#6516)
Fixed slapo-collect entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Fixed slapo-dds with NULL backend (ITS#6490)
Fixed slapo-dynlist entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Fixed slapo-memberof attr count (ITS#6508)
Fixed slapo-pcache to release its own entries (ITS#6484)
Fixed slapo-pcache with NULL backend (ITS#6490)
Fixed slapo-rwm entry release handling (ITS#6484)
Fixed slapo-rwm memory handling with rewrites (ITS#6526)
Fixed slapo-rwm olcRwmMap handling (ITS#6436)
Fixed slapo-rwm entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Fixed slapo-syncprov memory leak (ITS#6459)
Fixed slapo-translucent counter increment (ITS#6497)
Fixed slapo-valsort entry ownership (ITS#5340,ITS#6423)
Fixed contrib/sha2 adds mechs for more hashes (ITS#6433)
Fixed contrib/nssov to use nss-pam-ldapd (ITS#6488)
Build Environment
Added back-ldif, back-null test support (ITS#5810)
admin24 avoid explicity moduleload statements (ITS#6486)
admin24 broken link fixes (ITS#6493,ITS#6515)
slapd.access(5) val.regex explanation (ITS#5804)
MD5 (openldap-2.4.22.tgz) = ef01b52255ce8e3fbf8aa34f6fe7598b
SHA1 (openldap-2.4.22.tgz) = dd506b461c1fccd55dfff123b87aa6d07c899136