Monitoring your LDAP directory

Andreas Andersson posted this on the openldap technical list last week about CN=Montior:
My name is Andreas and I want to inform you about a little project I've been working on called CN=Monitor.
It's about monitoring and verifying directory servers with focus on open source LDAP[?] servers. From single installed servers to large scaled deployments.
Its a webbased application where you can:
- Verify availability, compare load and performance between servers
- Collect historical events for long term analysis (and get weekly reports by mail)
- Verify cluster and load balancing functionality
- Query several directories at the same time for data consistancy verification
... and a lot more.
Why the name CN=Monitor. Well.. a lot of the information collected and analyzed is gathered from the CN=Monitor base DN.
Looks very promising!!!
Will keep you posted,
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