Yubico key has arrived!

We're going to be testing them via the pam module for SSH access (and of course using pam_ldap).
So, users in LDAP[?] via pam, and a Yubikey, let's see how it goes!
(will be interesting for logging in a SIP handset via Asterisk or FreeSWITCH that needs one too and all the others technologies Suretec use and support (Catalyst, Perl, PostgresSQL, Squid and more....). We'll see....
The Suretec Blog on : Yubikey and Drupal
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My Yubikey arrived yesterday and I was keen to check out the apps already enabled for it, but it was better just using Google. A search for Yubikey Drupal found the Drupal Yubikey plugin. So I dropped that into one of the main Suretec websites, go
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