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Telephones for the professional

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The innovative application of broadband internet technology to traditional telephony is set to radically change the world of business

TO ESTABLISH and maintain a successful business operation, modern-day professionals require an ever-growing arsenal of technology and tools at their disposal.

Topping the list of non-negotiable requirements are a computer, an internet connection, a mobile phone and, of course, a fixed phone line.

The digital age has brought a multitude of advancements to traditional telephony, which now uses a combination of fibre optic cables, microwave transmission links, cellular networks and communication satellites to send voice communications across the world.

However, the fact remains that traditional analogue systems such as wire circuitry are still used to connect that vital last mile from the exchange to the telephone.

Despite a global outlook, the modern-day professional is still very much tied to local-level restraints of limited flexibility and costliness.

Today, innovative application of broadband internet technology to traditional telephony is abolishing the need for this last mile of copper wiring, and is consequently bringing the modern-day professional into the global community.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) transmits voice and multimedia communication through the internet as opposed to the traditional phone line – essentially combining the flexibility and cost efficiency of the internet with the main functions of traditional telephony.

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