OpenLDAP 2.4.25 is now officially out .
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review the final changes list:
OpenLDAP 2.4.25 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:
and should soon be available on all official mirrors:
This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.
Significant contributors include:
Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
Quanah Gibson-Mount (VMware, Inc)
Ralf Haferkamp (SUSE Linux)
Pierangelo Masarati (Politecnico di Milano)
OpenLDAP 2.4.25 Release (2011/03/26)
Fixed ldapsearch pagedresults loop (ITS#6755)
Fixed tools for incompatible args (ITS#6849)
Fixed libldap MozNSS crash (ITS#6863)
Fixed slapd add objectclasses in order (ITS#6837)
Added slapd ordering for uidNumber and gidNumber (ITS#6852)
Fixed slapd segfault when adding values out of order (ITS#6858)
Fixed slapd sortval handling (ITS#6845)
Fixed slapd-bdb with slapadd/index quick option (ITS#6853)
Fixed slapd-ldap[?] chain cn=config support (ITS#6837)
Fixed slapd-ldap chain with slapd.conf (ITS#6857)
Fixed slapd-meta deadlock (ITS#6846)
Fixed slapo-sssvlv with multiple requests (ITS#6850)
Fixed contrib/lastbind install rules (ITS#6238)
Fixed contrib/cloak install rules (ITS#6877)
Build Environment
Fixed windows NT threads build (ITS#6859)
Fixed libldap/lberl/util if/else usage (ITS#6832)
Fixed Windows odbc32 detection (ITS#6125)
Fixed Windows msys build (ITS#6870)
Fixed test020 exit codes (ITS#6404)
admin24 guide ldapi usage (ITS#6839)
admin24 guide conversion notes (ITS#6834)
admin24 guide fix drawback math for syncrepl (ITS#6866)
admin24 guide note manpages are definitive (ITS#6855)
MD5 (openldap-2.4.25.tgz) = ec63f9c2add59f323a0459128846905b
SHA1 (openldap-2.4.25.tgz) = 56efaf3656cc68d3b5be66422c0c89f0104d7183
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