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Technology companies leading the way at Aberdeen Energy & Innovation Parks

Independent Internet Service Provider Converged Communication Solutions, along with SureVoIP, Scotland’s leading Internet Telephony provider, have been appointed as the preferred suppliers of Internet and communication services to the Aberdeen Energy and Innovation Parks.

The contract, which is potentially worth over £350,000, will see Converged supply Internet services to the parks, with SureVoIP providing IP telephony (VoIP).

The provision of services will bring advanced technology to the eighty-plus businesses located within the parks, which are held in joint venture by Buccleuch Property and Scottish Enterprise. The offering will be launched across the parks as a new ‘serviced’ office provision to all park tenants.

"We are absolutely delighted to have secured this significant contract with the Aberdeen Energy & Innovation Parks and look forward to assisting businesses within the parks to access leading technology for internet and communications,” said Neil Christie, Technical Director for Converged. “We have worked with SureVoIP on a number of projects and look forward to delivering this contract in partnership with them."

"Pre-existing high capacity fibre exists between park tenants and Converged’s backbone network, and consequently we can provide very high bandwidth, very quickly, to new tenants, or those with changing requirements" added Neil.

Business tenants will be able to gain high speed internet access via this fibre at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. The result is highly reliable bandwidth suitable for carrying a wide range of business critical applications.

SureVoIP managing director Gavin Henry said: "SureVoIP, in partnership with Converged, are delighted to be selected to provide hosted VoIP telephony services to businesses working in and operating from the Aberdeen Energy & Innovation Parks."

"The contract highlights the parks, their owners and managers as forward-thinking organisations, using modern telecommunications to help develop the Scottish economy and allow it to flourish by working directly with service providers."

SureVoIP, regulated by Ofcom, is a member of the Internet Telephony Service Providers Association (ITSPA). The company is also the holder of an ITSPA quality mark accreditation.

Converged Communication Solutions is a leading Aberdeen-based Internet Service Provider (ISP) and IT support company, offering an extensive portfolio of inter-site networking solutions.


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