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London calling for Scots technology firm SureVoIP after double award nomination


A leading Software as a Service (SaaS) provider will be hoping to escape with the gold after being shortlisted for a national awards event held at the Tower of London.

SureVoIP is in the running for further honours at the ITSPA Awards 2017 – organised by the Internet Telephony Service Providers Association – less than 12 months after clinching victory at last year’s final.

The Aberdeen-based company, which specialises in using the internet to deliver telecoms – more commonly known as voice-over internet protocol (VoIP), will go head-to-head with some of the UK’s largest communications businesses in the prestigious industry programme.

SureVoIP has been nominated for the Best Business ITSP (Corporate) and Best Business ITSP (Small Enterprise) with the winners to be announced on Tuesday, May 9. Other finalists include TalkTalk Business, Gamma and numerous other well-respected technology firms.

Gavin Henry, managing director at SureVoIP, said:

“We’re extremely proud to once again be in the running for multiple honours as part of this leading awards initiative; something which speaks volumes of the reputation the company has built and developed over several years amongst our peers in the wider UK telecoms industry.

“Clearly we’re up against some tough competition but our team can look forward to this event with a degree of confidence. It’s a real privilege even to reach this stage and to have the opportunity to fly the flag for Scotland, and the north-east in particular.”

Now in its ninth year, the ITSPA Awards recognise telephony providers from across the country that have excelled in their field. Entrants are required to complete two months’ rigorous technical testing which scrutinises the reliability, stability, and service quality of their operations in addition to the written submission and case study elements.

Established in 2011, SureVoIP services the VoIP telephony requirements of more than 1,000 companies of varying size, from multinational oil majors to national charities. The business is a carrier-grade VoIP provider and delivers its service over the firm’s own wholly owned and managed systems; providing clients with the reassurance of a UK-based technical support team.

In June 2016, SureVoIP won the ITSPA’s UK-wide award for Best Business ITSP (Medium Enterprise). The company was also a finalist in the Best Business ITSP (Corporate) and Best VoIP Infrastructure categories.

The business received further recognition from the ITSPA last year when it was awarded the organisation’s coveted Quality Mark in recognition of SureVoIP’s innovative approach to business communications.



Press release issued on behalf of SureVoIP by Precise Communications. For further information please contact Graeme Forbes at or call
+44 (0) 7812 739208.

Notes to editors:

SureVoIP is a carrier-grade VoIP provider and delivers its service over the firm’s own wholly-owned and managed systems. The company, which offers the reassurance of a UK-based technical support team available via phone, email or webchat, is regulated by Ofcom and holds its own Ofcom number ranges.

SureVoIP runs its own multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) enabled network which is designed for voice-over internet protocol (VoIP). It does this to allow the company to be independent of any one supplier, for quality and control.

This network is spread across two sites for redundancy and high availability, and within these sites there is also redundancy and high availability. One site is in London Docklands (Telehouse East) and the other is in Edinburgh (Pulsant South Gyle).

For further information, please visit


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