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OpenLDAP Weekly News Issue 6

OpenLDAP Welcome to the sixth issue of OpenLDAP Weekly News (OWN), the unofficial weekly newsletter for the OpenLDAP community.

This will be released every Sunday (or thereabouts), covering the latest goings on in and around the OpenLDAP community.


- Upcoming OpenLDAP 2.4.7
- Update on Build Farm
- Contributions
- OpenLDAP Documentation updates
- OpenLDAP Development
- Blog LDAP[?] Schema Ideas
- Selected user issues and solutions discussed
- LDAP Roundup

Upcoming OpenLDAP 2.4.7:

OpenLDAP 2.4.7 was due to be released last week, but it is on hold until some ordered integer indexing and other tests fixes have been finalised.

There are lots of fixes and new documentation content.

Update on Build Farm:

Nothing new to report...


Nothing new to report...

OpenLDAP Documentation updates:

The OpenLDAP Project now has a complete MirrorMode section (in CVS HEAD), including a new diagram ;-)

I also plan (once the docs are complete) to move the diagrams over to SVG[?] format, as The OpenLDAP Project can then have more icons to chose from and it is a very versitile format. The MirrorMode diagram is in SVG format. I also like using Inkscape for this.

There have been some documentation build problems due to encoding, which I have to apologise for, as this was due to some bad copy and pastes :-(

There were also some man page updates.

OpenLDAP Development:

The core team and engineering team have been busy as usual.

The OpenLDAP Project are currently closing out bugs and pushing towards a 2.4.7 release, hopefully this week.

As discussed last week, Howard adds ordered indexing for integers, but
The OpenLDAP Project are still fine tuning it.

There is also more talk about LDAP[?] and Samba 4 with The Samba Project.

Howard answers a question I raised ages ago, which shows it may be possible to use slapo-translucent as I planned.

Blog LDAP Schema Ideas:

As you know, I'm part of The OpenLDAP Project, so I love LDAP ;-)

I would also love to be storing these posts in a Directory server, as they are a perfect fit.

With the many established names out there; Wordpress, MovableType, Serendipity (The Suretec Blog) and many more...I can feel an RFC[?] for this schema being a big help.

That's my plan anyway using Symas examples and xml2rfc, plus advise from The OpenLDAP Project of course.

I'll keep you updated and would love to hear any thoughts or comments you have.

Selected user issues and solutions discussed:

Lots this week and last.

I get stuck with replication via delta-syncrepl, due to slapo-accesslog. I think :-(

Users seem to be getting more brave and now trying to use cn=config.

Don't be scared to experiment, as it's the best way to learn. To get going with cn=config via slapd.conf, add:

database config rootdn cn=config rootpw my_slappasswd_encypted_pass

and start to browse cn=config by connecting to the cn=config basedn as the cn=config user.

cn=config is always available, it's just that the above configuration allows you to edit it. See slapd-config for more info.

LDAP Roundup: (if you follow The Suretec Blog, you will have read these already)


If you have any interesting OpenLDAP stories or spot anything in the Open Source community related to OpenLDAP, drop me a line at ghenry at suretecsystems dot com


As usual, if you have questions or problems please contact The OpenLDAP Project via normal channels.




The Suretec Blog on : LDAP is not relational ;-)

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I've already talked about a Blog LDAP[?] Schema, and I also raised the question in blog software forum The Suretec Blog uses. Well, one of the developers posted on their blog why our idea is crazy I know Howard loves these kind of posts, so I let h

The Suretec Blog on : LDAP is not relational ;-)

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I've already talked about a Blog LDAP[?] Schema, and I also raised the question in the blog software forum The Suretec Blog uses. Well, one of the developers posted on their blog why our idea is crazy I know Howard loves these kind of posts, so I l

The Suretec Blog on : OpenLDAP Weekly News Issue 7

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Welcome to the seventh issue of OpenLDAP Weekly News (OWN), the unofficial weekly newsletter for the OpenLDAP community. This will be released every Sunday (or thereabouts), covering the latest goings on in and around the OpenLDAP community. Summary


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James on :

* talks about a Atom Publishing Protocol server that backs onto OpenDS, but I imagine that any LDAP server could be used.

Gavin Henry on :

*Thanks for this.

I've had a read and it looks like something to reference. My idea is to have the same schema useable by blogging software, as well as RSS Readers, so I can point my reader at a directory, not matter what machine I'm on etc.


Buchan Milne on :

*Note for next issue - I have updated my packages to 2.3.39, with the post-2.3.39 fix for slapadd hanging without -q flag (for quick mode).

I hope to release 2.4.7 packages with an internal db4.6 soon after 2.4.7 release (I have updated to db4.6 in mandriva cooker on the 2.4.6 packages already).

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