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Asterisk 1.6 Beta Released (with no LDAP Realtime Driver)

AsteriskOpenLDAP So, it's been a few days, but we thought this was worth commenting on.

Asterisk 1.6 beta brings many new changes and exciting features, but one very disappointing thing missing was the LDAP[?] Realtime Driver.

This is mainly down to the code not being moved forward for the 1.6 branch, as it was written for the 1.4 branch and testing.

For those of you out there that would love to see Asterisk integrated with your enterprise directory server, we urge you to subscribe to the tracker and help test.


The Suretec Blog on : LDAP Realtime Driver gets merged with Asterisk 1.6 branch

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After a wee push in the right direction and some complaining, there is now an LDAP[?] Realtime Driver in the 1.6 branch of Asterisk!! Excellent news and even better that the LDAP Schema file and LDIF that Suretec did got merged too!


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