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Updated LDAP RFCs drafts - "LDAP as a Network Information Service" and "Password Policy for LDAP Directories"

OpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec As OpenLDAP sets the standard for being the most standards based LDAP[?] directory, you'll be pleased to know that our partners Symas are keeping everyone updated about the wonderful world of collaboration in the LDAP world and in the process updating some much needed draft RFCs.

So, when you've got a second have a read of:

Password Policy for LDAP Directories - draft-behera-ldap[?]-password-policy-10.txt


An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service - draft-howard-rfc2307bis-02.txt


Webinar: 'Guide to Scaling OpenLDAP with MySQL Cluster'

OpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec “Guide to Scaling OpenLDAP with MySQL Cluster” on June 24th at 10:00AM PST. Howard Chu, CTO of Symas Corporation, will be the primary technical presenter. This is going to be a repeat of the great pitch we did at the MySQL Conference in Santa Clara. This is a terrific introduction to the OpenLDAP Driver for MySQL Cluster for people interested in this new database technology for LDAP[?] directory data.

Register here


OpenLDAP for Fortune 20 Enterprises

LinuxOpenLDAPOpen Source HP decided to partner with Symas on OpenLDAP. We engineered as well as funded major contributions to OpenLDAP. On several occasions, we had the opportunity to put the facilitator model to the test. Would Symas be able to respond to urgent support calls? Would they be able to turn around quick patches to fix bugs? Would they be able to get those patches accepted by the OpenLDAP project? Would the OpenLDAP project embrace the overall work of HP and Symas, even though it meant significant change to the underlying codebase? The answer to each of these questions was a resounding yes, and our expectations for working in this model were fully validated.

Learn how to do this for your Enterprise.

For Enterprise grade OpenLDAP Support and consultancy, contact Suretec or Symas.

Hardware and Operating System Best Practices for OpenLDAP

LinuxOpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec Just a quick one to say our partners Symas have written a very nice peice about how to pick your base hardware and operating system for use with OpenLDAP in your Enterprise:

The key to this first factor is that OpenLDAP is the most efficient, most stable, and most suitable LDAP[?] Directory Service technology for Enterprise production use. Installing it as a new service or an upgrade to an older technology will be the most cost-effective step assuming the capacity is available. In general, replacing an older Directory Technology will reduce the processor load by two to five times. It will also improve the stability of the server(s) making simplification of configurations tuned to frequent server outages possible. Symas OpenLDAP is available under inexpensive annual support subscriptions with no consideration for the number of CPUs in the server or the number of objects/entries in the Directory, too. So, our preference of platform, in general, is put OpenLDAP (Symas OpenLDAP) on what you’ve got!

Read the full article

Asterisk RealTime LDAP Driver Guide

AsteriskFedoraLinuxOpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec W. Michael Petullo has published a very detailed article for Red Hat Magazine about using the Asterisk RealTime LDAP[?] Driver and Fedora Directory Server.

It's well written and a good read, but just so you know, OpenLDAP can easily be used and should have been the first choice as I'm sure our partners in crime Symas would point out too ;-)

But hey, it's a Red Hat Magazine so you can't blame them really...

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has emerged as a popular technology for modern voice communications. Many organizations have replaced their analog or proprietary digital telephone systems with VoIP-based solutions. This allows the consolidation of telephone services into an existing IP infrastructure. In addition, using IP to host voice services lets the organization leverage existing expertise–while retaining all of the network’s management advantages. Though not without its disadvantages, VoIP provides a compelling option to those looking for a telephone solution.

This article will present a simple VoIP solution using Asterisk, an open source private branch exchange (PBX) product. It will show you how to install Asterisk, configure it using its LDAP backend, and connect to it using the Ekiga software VoIP client and a Cisco 7900 Series VoIP telephone to make calls.

The first comment about the article is right though:

In general experienced users from the Asterisk community advise against purchasing Cisco phones for business deployment with Asterisk and recommend Polycom, Aastra or Snom instead. Cisco phones are very expensive, difficult to setup, technical documentation is not easily accessible for the end-user, their SIP firmware has some nasty surprises and as far as I know that cheap SmartNet contract is still quite difficult to get.

The LDIF Schema and normal LDAP schema are available in non-FDS format and are contributed to the Asterisk Project by Suretec and maintained by Suretec.



Spring 2008 - a UKUUG Conference Review

LinuxOpenLDAPOpen SourcePerlPostgreSQLSuretec I got back last night, after a somewhat hectic flight (long story).

I really enjoyed the conference, my first time speaking at one, bit nervous, but it can only get better ;-)


Continue reading "Spring 2008 - a UKUUG Conference Review"

OpenLDAP King of the Hill - OpenLDAP Chief Architect Interview

OpenLDAP Suretec saw a sneak peak before it was out, but we're glad to say it's unchanged and a cracker!

Have a read:

OpenLDAP is unmatched by any other directory service, proprietary or open source. Of all the others available, the proprietary ones are just hiding their dirty laundry and all of them are just a waste of time and money.

Want OpenLDAP for your Enterprise? Then contact the UK Leading OpenLDAP Experts.


Fedora Directory Server not good enough for Red Hat?

Open Source It's been an interesting week to say the least. First we see some very good discussion in the Symas My Old Flame post, then we discover Fedora Directory Server is less stable/desirable as a back end for Red Hat.

Let's put this into context, first Red Hat attack OpenLDAP, but yet they won't eat their own dog food:

We had been basing our application on fedora-ds, during the last year
we've seen great changes in this application and how its packaged. This has
made it less stable/desirable as a back end. All signs point to using
postgres on the back end as being both the easier choice and the more
reliable choice based on what we've seen.

Red Hat do a lot of great things, but why don't they do what they preach and collaborate with a proper LDAP[?] Project and get real value out of that work and not waste time and money on a dead end project.


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