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Oracle Internet Directory and 2 Billion Entries?
I've just finished reading The 2 billion entry directory tree - The scalability of Oracle Internet Directory at very large Directory Information Tree sizes, and thought I'd blog some initial thoughts (I'm sure our partners Symas will have something to say later).
The following is from the 2 Billion User Benchmark (Oracle Internet Directory - Technical Whitepaper (PDF) on the Oracle Internet Directory homepage.
So here's the Network kit they used:
Some pretty accessible kit there!
Continue reading "Oracle Internet Directory and 2 Billion Entries?"
The following is from the 2 Billion User Benchmark (Oracle Internet Directory - Technical Whitepaper (PDF) on the Oracle Internet Directory homepage.
So here's the Network kit they used:
Some pretty accessible kit there!
Continue reading "Oracle Internet Directory and 2 Billion Entries?"
Bad LDAP coding, bad Application, but....maybe the LDAP Implementation?
It is true that Poorly written LDAP[?] code can really affect your Portal, Suretec have seen it a few times:
A programmer who hadn't had much exposure to LDAP decided it best to do a base level search, for example, usingldapsearch:
he retrieved *everything*, then did all the searching/filtering etc. locally in the client! What's the point of a Directory Server!?!
Our partners Symas have also talked about similar encounters, mainly with Sendmail.
It all comes down to the level of LDAP understanding a programmer has.
Or could it actually be the Directory Server implementation, namely Oracle Internet Directory (OID)?
I know OpenLDAP wouldn't slow an app down like this, because it's very fast..very very fast
A programmer who hadn't had much exposure to LDAP decided it best to do a base level search, for example, using
ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=suretecsystems,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)' -H ldap[?]://
he retrieved *everything*, then did all the searching/filtering etc. locally in the client! What's the point of a Directory Server!?!
Our partners Symas have also talked about similar encounters, mainly with Sendmail.
It all comes down to the level of LDAP understanding a programmer has.
Or could it actually be the Directory Server implementation, namely Oracle Internet Directory (OID)?
I know OpenLDAP wouldn't slow an app down like this, because it's very fast..very very fast