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OpenLDAP build farm

OpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec Dear all,

Just a quick update to say things are moving forward on the OpenLDAP build farm and very soon (after more testing) you'll be able to submit your desired platform for testing and upload your build results!

More later (next month),


OpenLDAP Replication Strategies

OpenLDAPOpen SourceSuretec At this years UKUUG's annual Large Installation Systems Administration (LISA) conference I gave a talk on OpenLDAP Replication Strategies. You can grab theOpenLDAP Replications Strategies PDF or SlideShare version.

Other presentations regarding OpenLDAP that day (including one from Howard, the Projects Chief Architect and Symas CTO), OpenLDAP and MySQL: Bridging the Data Model Divide and Andrew Findlays Writing Access Control Policies for LDAP[?]


The news is out: OpenLDAP and the new MySQL NDB Backend

OpenLDAPOpen Source Suretec can now report that Symas, using MySQL’s NDB API, have developed an OpenLDAP backend which talks directly to the MySQL cluster storage engine, completely bypassing the SQL layer, in association with MySQL of course.

Others think this is good news too.

It is already Open Source and will be committed to the main OpenLDAP codebase when ready. (when is the PostgreSQL one out! ;-) )


Spring 2008 - a UKUUG Conference Review

LinuxOpenLDAPOpen SourcePerlPostgreSQLSuretec I got back last night, after a somewhat hectic flight (long story).

I really enjoyed the conference, my first time speaking at one, bit nervous, but it can only get better ;-)


Continue reading "Spring 2008 - a UKUUG Conference Review"

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