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Spring 2008 - a UKUUG Conference Review

LinuxOpenLDAPOpen SourcePerlPostgreSQLSuretec I got back last night, after a somewhat hectic flight (long story).

I really enjoyed the conference, my first time speaking at one, bit nervous, but it can only get better ;-)


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Bad LDAP coding, bad Application, but....maybe the LDAP Implementation?

OpenLDAPSuretec It is true that Poorly written LDAP[?] code can really affect your Portal, Suretec have seen it a few times:

A programmer who hadn't had much exposure to LDAP decided it best to do a base level search, for example, using ldapsearch:

ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=suretecsystems,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)' -H ldap[?]://

he retrieved *everything*, then did all the searching/filtering etc. locally in the client! What's the point of a Directory Server!?!

Our partners Symas have also talked about similar encounters, mainly with Sendmail.

It all comes down to the level of LDAP understanding a programmer has.

Or could it actually be the Directory Server implementation, namely Oracle Internet Directory (OID)?

I know OpenLDAP wouldn't slow an app down like this, because it's very fast..very very fast ;-)

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