Our Communications Provider Identity ("CUPID") code application has been processed by Ofcom and we just received our number of 291.
The start of many good things to come with our own VoIP provider SureVoIP (brand and website being worked on now). We're also listed as an ITSP at ITSPA.
Just a quick one to say that when you think you need Asterisk for a customer request, sometimes you don't!!
A question from a customer yesterday:
Do you know of an IP desk telephone that can be used on a
hotline/autodial/PLAR type basis? Ie pick up one phone and the other
rings, etc.
Tricky bit... no call manager of any sort in-between... just the
direct on the network.
Aastra to the rescue!!! Any of the new 67XXi ranges have a feature either per line or globally like so:
Autodial Settings
Autodial Number
Autodial Timeout
Simply add an IP address in the Autodial Number field for line 1 and when you pick up the handset it dials the other phone on that IP directly. No need to put Asterisk in between or any other system, other than pure IP.
P.S. I'm sure most of the business grade IP phones out there can do the same.
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